Problems & Solutions
Navigation Tools For The Modern Man

Problems and Solutions is a layman's take on getting through the stigma surrounding men’s mental health. We also take a look at some of the sociological definitions of what constitutes strong, what constitutes a “man”, and how the conceptual basis isn’t wrong. It is that some of the applications we view as culturally necessary, do more harm than good. We hope to inspire some introspection, and help brothers like us find their way through the fog. Our most recent developments in men’s mental health seem to be telling us about all the problems with no clear path to solving them.

What we really want to do is bring about a clear understanding that we as men, are not alone with our problems. The driving force behind most mental health problems for anyone is fear. We hope by increasing your understanding of that fear, and the fact that pretty much all of us carry it, we can all learn how to get around it more effectively.

Neither one of us is a clinically educated mental health professional. Matt is a certified life coach, but that caps a life of varied real world experience outside of that certification, all wrapped in his own struggles with anxiety and depression. A life as a father, husband, and friend, helped him to realize the impact of our internal struggles can hit outside just as hard as it does inside. Part of writing this book is taking control of that impact and controlling it into a positive force. It’s this variance of experience and knowledge that has brought him forward. Forward to a point that he was motivated to help others. Motivated and confident that the hand he is reaching out is strong enough to pull a couple more brothers into some clarity.

Justin’s education and experience lies almost solely in fitness and martial arts, with some sprinklings of apathetic periods in customer service, and other high stress but low reward positions earlier in life. A product of horrific abuse as a child, it’s just in recent years, after becoming a father himself, he realized that damage was even repairable. That took almost three decades, and even still he works on how to make those repairs. How to truly enact that change. Now, as a teacher, father, and soon-to-be husband, his goals align with Matt’s. We have to DO something. Do ANYTHING that might help our brothers escape the darkness.

Whether you personally subscribe to or even enjoy our musings, if we can help just one man with our efforts it’ll be worth it. We’re optimistic that a lot more than one will find an aspect or two of what’s on these pages useful. At the very least, we provide an extensive list of mental health resources, along with our own contact information. If you need help, speak up. If you feel like you CAN help, speak up. We all have different strengths, when blended effectively, it’s a nigh indestructible tonic.

Start Talking Lads, Stay Strong. 

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